• dymaxion map on black
  • dymaxion map on black

Vision & Mission

Our goal is to create a beloved community and
this will require a qualitative change in our souls
as well as a quantitative change in our lives.

~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

One Island Vision: One Humanity, One Future, One Home

What if we viewed the seven continents and island states across the globe as part of one continuous island, surrounded by one ocean, under one sky, co-existing as One Whole Community cooperating and integrating as a conscious interdependent ecosystem? How would this change our perspective, actions and decisions?

This vision is not a metaphor or utopian fantasy. It is our collective root history and source. 200 Million years ago, before the continents had formed, the Earth was literally one land mass, one island undivided. And according to geologists, the continents are slowly gravitating back into place and will eventually come full circle to reconnect and become One Island once again.

This same evolutionary process from connection to separation to re-connection is taking place across all dimensions – geographically, environmentally, economically, psychologically, socially, politically and spiritually; It is this meta-evolutionary process that informs and connects us all. Humankind has both an opportunity and a responsibility to co-evolve this process – locally and globally – with our conscious intentions, choices and actions. It is up to us to co-create inclusive, cooperative “Collaborative Communities” wherein every member participates, contributes and thrives.

The time is now to to come back to what has always been: Life as a Living System and Humanity as a Whole Community, interdependent and inextricably interconnected, recognizing that every individual’s choices, contributions and actions matter, and the only way forward is Together.

One Island Mission

Our Mission is to connect and support a cooperative network of networks, illuminating and evolving our capacities to co-create opportunities and solutions toward the future we want, with a commitment to transparency, equity, mutual dignity, happiness, and love.


If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten
that we belong to each other.
~Mother Teresa