Co-Creating the Future We Want

AIM® to Co-Create the Future We Want!

One Island’s transformative facilitation methods combine dialogue, diversity and “collaborative backcasting” to transcend the complexity of “wicked challenges” and AIM® together from the future we want.

1.  Aspire: Activate the power of aspiration and imagination to envision the future we want. Begin with a compelling vision and desired end in mind.

2.  Innovate – Work backward from vision to present. Generate and curate unique approaches and creative solutions,   Groundbreaking ideas most often emerge in the space between aspirations and resources

3.  Manifest – Decide on priorities and move step-by-step towards the future we want. The best way to predict the future is to co-create it.

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Convening and Engagement

The 5 Step Facilitation Process

Our 5 Step Facilitation Process connects individuals, organizations and communities from diverse walks of life, inviting them to  co-create from an empowering new vision of what our collective future could be. It focuses these visions into a desire and commitment to work together to make this vision a reality, today.

Engagement Watch this video excerpt to learn more..

AIM® Aspire. Imagine. Manifest.

How does it work?

Co-Creating the Future We Want Dialogues work through a simple, but powerful 5-step AIM process that can be contextualized and applied to any issue, sector or theme:

  1. Connect – with each other in small groups – both inside and across communities of interest.
  2. Envision – your highest aspirational future – one that includes and sustains all humans and all life.
  3. Engage – listen and share your over-arching visions of what a just, regenerative and thriving future looks like.
  4. Reflect – pause between Envisioning and Action to reflect on what has been posited and contributed by members of the group. Allow this to inform and enlarge your own ideas and visions of a thriving future and world.
  5. Share – Share more deeply and specifically your visions, aspirations and insights; identify key themes, similarities, and patterns as well as key differences in direction, values and approach. Begin to explore how we might synergize, align and work together toward Manifestation, harnessing the power of shared visioning and purpose-driven collaboration.

Harvest the Dialogue / Seed the Future

Create a ‘Harvest Map’, which demonstrates from a systems-perspective the interrelated issues, solutions and approaches.






During the Rio+20 Series these harvests were compiled into a Country Report and shared with key decision-makers nationally and internationally. See the Global Dialogues Rio+20 Mauritius Harvest Report as an example.