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  • The Global Dialogues – Aim for the Future

Global Dialogues

Global Dialogues are conscious conversations and social innovation methodologies initiated around the world by One Island Institute in partnership with local, national, and regional organisations and community networks. Global Dialogues supports and facilitates whole society engagement in key-decision making processes and the development of public-private-civil society partnerships for sustainable development and the co-creation of a better world and future.

Global Dialogues are designed for broad- and specific issues, and can take place in small and large groups. For an overview of different kinds of Dialogues see ‘The Future We Want’, ‘Community Action’, ‘Partnership Dialogues’, ‘Social Change Dialogues’, and ‘Women Uniting for Humanity’ Dialogues.

Why Dialogue

Dialogue work is an essential process for any kind of meaningful community-engagement and development. Dialogue as a practice for community development and nation-building has been practiced by humanity for thousands of years. Dialogue work provides a strong foundation for generating social inclusion and society engagement for positive change. Dialogues complete with agreements around key actions through collaboration and partnership. For more information about Dialogue and Deliberation click here.


One Island is the Project Steward for the One Future One Planet initiative, that was launched as a collaborative initiative December 2011 between eight different countries – Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Burundi region (involving Ruanda, Kenya, Congo and Uganda), Mauritius Island, New Zealand, Norway, and Brazil.  The initial aim was to bring society together in conversation and commitment for the Rio+20 theme: Co-Creating the Future We Want. One Future One Planet was presented at the International Stockholm +40 Conference, and during a side event of the Rio+20 UN Conference. ‘Global Dialogues 1000 tables’ was held at Rio+20 UN Conference as a site-event for developing a shared vision and collaborative actions for co-creating ‘The Future We Want’. Since then the Rio+20 Global Dialogues have been presented at numerous international and national conferences and networks.

In Mauritius the Rio+20 initiative was implemented with the conscious intention to develop a community base for ongoing project development for a sustainable society post-Rio+20. The Global Dialogues Rio+20 Series, which brought together over 670 people through 16 different dialogues were presented to the Mauritius Government and the official Mauritius Rio+20 Delegation in May 2012. As a result of these dialogues numerous innovative community based projects have emerged including: Community Gardening, Roof garden initiatives, Sustainable Community Living, Car-Pooling, Nature Walks, Meditation Groups, and Clean-up events where Waste is transformed into Art. More than a thousand people have now been brought together in Mauritius through these Dialogues and One Future One Planet community actions since February 2012.

Based on the initial success of these dialogues in Mauritius, One Island Institute in collaboration with its key partner IOC-ISLANDS project, through EU funding, is now sharing the methodologies and best practices for this work with other Islands in the Indian Ocean Region.

Global Dialogues events have been funded by private and public sector and continues to receive support from key decision-makers across Mauritius. For more information click here

The Global Dialogues - Aim for the Future

The Future We Want Global Dialogues and One Future One Planet Network – presentation.